AMC Position Statement – Road Safety
Road Safety is an issue of great concern to motorcyclists. AMC believes our specific needs as road users are not receiving the required funding and research unlike the other vulnerable road users, for example, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Priority:- High
Where we are now
Transport, and therefore road safety, is a State based issue, however, there are a number of road safety areas which are a Federal responsibility, one of these being the Australian Design Rules (ADR’s) for vehicles.
Also, at the Federal level there are several main stakeholders in motorcycle safety, these being the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and the National Road Safety Strategic Panel (NRSS).
There is benefit to be gained by the various state based rider organisations working together to better utilise resources to work on common issues and to keep abreast of developments overseas.
In recent years a number of state based motorcycle road safety strategic plans have been developed, notably in NSW by the Motorcycle Council of NSW, Victoria by Victorian Government, South Australia by the SA Road Safety Advisory Council and in Tasmania by the Tasmanian Road Safety Council.
There is currently no national motorcycle road safety strategy even though a report by a House of Representative inquiry, “Eyes on the Road Ahead” recommends that one should be developed (Recommendation 36).
Where we want to be
The specific road safety needs of motorcyclists receive the level of attention they deserve.
The AMC needs to be, and seen to be, an equal partner in motorcycle safety along with the other the stakeholders.
The AMC is proactive in all areas of road safety that affect/impact on riders.
How to get there
Seek funding for the development of a National motorcycle road safety strategic plan.
Continue to have representation of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) motorcycle consultative committee and on the National Road Safety Strategic Panel (NRSS).
Continue to have representation on Standards Australia committees that affect motorcycle safety.
Work with the other State based stakeholders on projects that will improve motorcycle safety.
Seek funding for research into motorcycle road safety issues.